Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I have wanted a white watch for a while and saw this one over on laviepetite. So here is my review of the Merona white watch from Target via a picture, because "pictures are worth a thousand words" and right now I would only have 3 words to describe it: cute, but junk!

Watch: Target $12.99

This was only the second time I had worn this watch! So dissappointed. The paint continued to peel off and I ended up just pulling it all the way off so that the ring around the face is silver. Problem solved right? Wrong! a week and a half later and the paint is now starting to chip off the band. BOO.


Sunday, January 13, 2013

This week on pinterest....

Here are a few of my favorite things I found last week on pinterest:

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Isn't that wedding picture AMAZING!?!?! I thought it must be from a magazine, but it's not.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Dry Erase Picture Frame Project/Tutorial!

I first saw THIS dry erase picture frame tutorial back around Valentine's Day and I HAD to make it. I loved it so much that when I was trying to come up with a craft for the 8-12 year old girls at church to make I knew they would love it too! So here is my trial run:

5 x 7 picture frame from Dollar Tree, $1
Acrylic Craft Paint in cobalt, $.80
Dry erase markers from Dollar Tree, $1 for 2

Step 1: Take the glass out of the frame and paint the frame.
The frame I purchased was plastic and so it took 3 coats of paint to get it all covered. Next time I may consider doing a primer coat first....

Step 2: Apply a generous coat of Mod Podge.
The acrylic paint will dry a matte finish and if you are happy with the way it looks, then you do not need to complete this step. I personally prefer a super glossy finish and once the Mod Podge dries that is exactly what you get! I love this stuff. (p.s. don't panic when you first put it on and it turns your frame a milky white should be clear once it is dry).

Step 3: Put glass and scrapbooked page back in frame and glue embelishments to frame:
If you are wondering how to make the rolled ribbon/fabric flowers, check out THIS tutorial.

Step 4: Write 2 things each day you are thankful for!